Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Railway recruitment Board (RRB) Result 2013 for the post of Senior Clerk cum typist, Junior Accounts Assistant:

The candidates who have appeared or going to appear for the various recruitment exams held by Railway Recruitment Board should bookmark this page for future updates. We updates instantly when RRB announce the results for its various recruitment projects.

Railway recruitment Board (RRB) Result 2013 for the post of Senior Clerk cum typist, Junior Accounts Assistant: With the continuation of the advertisement number 03/2012 a result that is being announced by the Railway recruitment Board (RRB) is being related with the various posts that are as below:
  1. Senior Clerk cum Typist
  2. Junior Accounts Assistant cum Typist
Under these posts a written examination was duly conducted and that date on which seat was shared by the huge mass is the 18th August 2013. Applicants who had been selected are being invited for the typing test and the date of the test is 13th Nov 2013 to the date 17th Nov 2013.
List of the applicants is needed to get from the link below with other mandatory details:
  • Call letters to the selected applicants are being sent by the speed post.
  • It is to inform the applicants that speed is required to be 30 words per minute in English and 25 words per minute in Hindi.
Railway recruitment Board (RRB) Result 2013 for the post of Assistant Station Master: Railway recruitment Board (RRB) was being renamed from the name Railway Service Commission and RRB was constituted in the month April 1982. Board had very clear objective under which the prime task is to rationalize the work load of the RRB and after wards the series of the tasks that are to complete by the RRB are to plan the recruitment procedure even for the applicants that are from the far flung areas i.e. recruitment procedures are conducted all over the India.
The recent announcement that is being made by the Railway recruitment Board (RRB) is for the post of the of Assistant Station Master for which the applications were invited under the notification number CEN no. 03/2012 and applicants that were duly interested for the post were to first pass on by the written test and this test was duly conducted on the date 18th August 2013. Applicants who had been with known with the basic detail and had performed well in the test had been shortlisted and a list of the selected applicants is being publicized. The applicants who had been selected from the test are being duly invited so that their aptitude could be testes out regarding the post by the test which is being named as the aptitude test and the date on which this test is to duly organize is the 19th Nov 2013 to the date 25th Nov 2013.
All the applicants who commence for the interview must check out the link below to get acknowledge with the result.
Here is the link:
Points to be considered by the applicants while commencing for the aptitude test:
  • Time that is being set by the RRB for the interview is different for the different candidates but all the candidates are informed to reach the venue at least half an before the stipulated time.
  • Call letters had been duly sent by the Railway recruitment Board (RRB) to the applicants that had been selected by the speed post. However if any of the applicants does not receive the call letter it is advised to attend the aptitude test on the same date with the 2nd stage written examination foil and it is also compulsory to bring the identification papers with the photo identity. If applicant found without any identification then will not be permitted to attend the aptitude test.
  • All the result is duly prepared by the Railway recruitment Board (RRB) under the supreme authorization of the expert faculty to have the zero error. However if any of the error is duly found out by the applicants then RRB had all the rights to rectify the errors.


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