Tuesday, 26 November 2013

UPSC CISF LDC Exam 2013 Interview Schedule

UPSC issued the notification for CISF LDC Exam 2013 Interview Schedule.
All the candidates appeared in UPSC CISF LDC Exam 2013 for the recruitment of Assistant Commandants (Central Industrial Security Force CISF). 
Union public service commission declared the final schedule of interview for all those candidates who have qualified in the CISF LDC Exam 2013. The interview will starts from 16 December to 20 December 2013. This is the online notification while individual candidates are being informed by Summon Letters at their respective addresses. More information is also available on the official website of the commission- www.upsc.gov.in.

UPSC CISF LDC Exam 2013 Interview Schedule

UPSC CISF LDC Exam 2013 Interview Schedule Declared

There will be forenoon and afternoon sessions and candidates are divided for both session according to their roll numbers. Download the following document published by UPSC, containing all the information regarding the interview schedule and dates of personality test and the roll numbers for different dates and sessions.
UPSC CISF LDC Exam 2013 Interview Schedule Download


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