the new advanced version of low cost tablet Aakash was launched by President Pranab Mukherjee. It comes with a price tag of Rs 1130 for students. It has been developed under the direction of IIT Bombay with the active support of C-DAC and Datawind
is rolling out the device. The new version Aakash 2,will be made
available to students of engineering colleges and universities
initially. Aakash2 is powered by a processor running at 1 GHz, has a 512 MB memory, a 7 inch capacitative touch screen and a battery working for three hours under normal operations.
The device is priced at Rs 2263 and the government subsidises it by 50 per cent and it will be distributed to students at Rs 1,130. The price may even drop down after the state government subsidy. Over 15,000 teachers at 250 colleges have been trained on how to use the Aakash for education. It will be used for classroom teaching.
In the initial phase,one lakh devices will be provided to students of engineering colleges and universities and subsequently these will be distributed to others. By next five to six years about 22 crore students in India will get the device. The first version of Aakash called Aakash 1 as launched by the government in October 2011. However many problems were detected on the device by the users, so an updated version is released.
The device is priced at Rs 2263 and the government subsidises it by 50 per cent and it will be distributed to students at Rs 1,130. The price may even drop down after the state government subsidy. Over 15,000 teachers at 250 colleges have been trained on how to use the Aakash for education. It will be used for classroom teaching.
In the initial phase,one lakh devices will be provided to students of engineering colleges and universities and subsequently these will be distributed to others. By next five to six years about 22 crore students in India will get the device. The first version of Aakash called Aakash 1 as launched by the government in October 2011. However many problems were detected on the device by the users, so an updated version is released.
Aakash 3 to be launched in Mid 2013. click here for more details.